Louis Andrew

Software Engineer

Work Experience

Software Engineer

Share NOW GmbH / Free2Move

Berlin, Germany (09.2023 - PRESENT)
  • Lead frontend engineer in the team. Responsible in the frontend architectural decisions and mentoring other engineers.
  • Core team member of company-wide component library and design system. Responsible in its API design and feature developments.
  • Worked with WebViews and Micro-Frontend architecture
  • Designed and implemented asynchronous system with message queues that processes live rental data
  • Tech Stack: Nuxt3/Vue3, Tailwind, GraphQL, TypeScript, Node, Docker + K8s, RabbitMQ

Associate Software Engineer

Share NOW GmbH

Berlin, Germany (08.2022 - 09.2023)
  • Core team member of company-wide component library and design system. Migrated the company-wide component library from Vue2 to Vue3
  • Worked with multiple teams to help them during the migration process of their micro-frontends (Vue2 to Vue3). Communicating migration plans and deadlines
  • Increased web performance of the app (Last Contentful Paint / LCP) from 4.2s to 2.6s
  • Tech Stack: Vue2, Nuxt3/Vue3, Tailwind, GraphQL, TypeScript, Node, Docker + K8s, Terraform

Working Student (Software Engineer)

Share NOW GmbH

Berlin, Germany (03.2021 - 08.2022)
  • Worked on the backoffice application of the company, built with Vue2 and micro-frontend architecture at its core. Worked closely in consuming GraphQL APIs with Apollo.
  • Contributed to company-wide component library (built in Vue2). Migrated existing components from JavaScript to TypeScript.
  • Tech Stack: Vue2, SCSS, GraphQL, TypeScript/JavaScript

Louis Andrew

Software Engineer

Web Developer (Contract Work)


Jakarta, Indonesia (Remote) (08.2020 - 12.2020)
  • Built the e-commerce website from scratch. Worked closely with the client to design the website and its features.
  • Implemented auth system with firebase auth, payment integration as well as mailing list subscription system
  • Implemented multi-user admin dashboard to manage orders and products.
  • Tech Stack: React/Gatsby, Styled Components, Firestore, Netlify Lambda, TypeScript


Applied Computer Science (BSc.)

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin

Berlin, Germany (10.2019 - 09.2022)

Score: 1.4 - German Grading System, (ECTS Grade A). Thesis: Design & Implementation of a Fraud Detection System for Autonomous Teams. Source code and thesis is open source and can be found here: https://github.com/BA-LouisAndrew/.